Meet Becca Brown @beccabrownliving

Hi! I’m Becca Brown. I’m 36 years old and live in Peachtree Corners, Georgia, with my husband, Michael, our four kids (10, 8, 5, and 16 months), and two dachshunds. I was an elementary school teacher for nine years before becoming a stay at home mom and then foster momma to 14 kiddos so far, over the past five years. Michael and I have had a heart for adoption since we first met and after three difficult pregnancies and a miscarriage, we thought adoption would be our route to a fourth baby. We started on the journey to learn about adoption options, and this ultimately led us to our journey with foster care. We became a certified foster family in 2013 and have fostered 6 kids long term and another 8 kids through respite in that time. We were also blessed with the best surprise ever when we found out we were pregnant with our little Berkeley, and couldn’t imagine this life without her.


We will continue to follow God’s plan in our journey with foster care and hope that this will one day lead to the adoption of another little boy and our family will be complete. If this journey has taught us anything, it has been to never say never and that God’s plans are way bigger than ours!!! Our work through the past four and a half years has become our mission as a family and that mission has led to our family Bible Verse, Luke 1:37 NIV: “For nothing is impossible with God.” This is how we continue and will continue to love every child we meet through foster care.



I started my Instagram account @Beccabrownliving over two years ago, as a creative outlet to share my hobbies and passions.  I love DIY and home décor, so I thought it was fun to share my projects and get inspiration from others. What I did not expect was the community to embrace me so openly and for me to find a place of so much support! My followers and the friends I’ve made through Instagram, inspire me daily and I love this aspect of my life! I have met so many unbelievably talented people and have enjoyed opportunities to collaborate with some really cool brands. I feel like my Instagram community has given me the gift of an identity outside of just my family, a voice to my passions and missions, and confidence to be unapologetically, me I am so grateful for this gift and can’t wait to see how it all continues to grow and evolve.


Three Decor Tips

My three décor tips are pretty simple:

  1. Buy or make things that you will love in more than one space in your home. That way, if you want to change things up, you can always move or repurpose the décor you have and not keep spending money. 
  2. Learn how to “shop” your home. This goes perfectly with number one. You don’t always have to buy new things to decorate your home. Sometimes, moving something you love from one room to another, is the only change you need! I do this all the time. If I get tired of a chair or a the décor on a shelf in one room, I just rearrange it, or move it to a different room and it breathes new life into that space without costing anything.
  3. Less is More! I’ve gone through all kinds of decorating phases, including sticking way too many things on a table to try to make it look just right. Sometimes, just a few key pieces, can make a space look much better!


To Follow Becca, you can find her on Instagram @beccabrownliving and on her blog at 

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