Fall Outdoors With Green Chef

When Green Chef reached out to me to try their meal subscription service I was thrilled. For over two years I have slowly switched my family from regular grocery store products to a more organic healthy way of eating and living. From soaps to cereals, I try my best to only purchase items without dyes and fragrance and made organically or with no nitrates and extra chemicals added. Are there times when we still go through the McDonalds drive through, yes, but I try to focus on 80% good and 20% adaptable eating.


After trying a few subscription boxes in the past, I said yes to Green Chef because of their organic produce and items. It was my biggest hangup with the previous meal boxes. Were the meals healthy yes, did they have vegetables and look beautiful, yes, but they weren’t organic. Having that added feature and safety net, as I like to call it, was a true selling point for our family.



For this shoot, I dressed up my fire pit for fall. About 6 months ago, we added this fire pit as a part of the One Room Challenge, a blogging competition developed to share the transformation of one of your spaces in the home. We cleared the area, laid the rail road tied, added the fire pit, laid the flag stone, and hung the string lights ourselves. If you want to see more of the process and sources. Check out this post HERE.



With added mums, pumpkins, and fall pillows, I created a more cozy fire pit area for fall. I rearranged a few of the ferns around the pool area and dressed up the fire pit even more to create the fall mood. I the made my husband sit around a fire in 80 degree weather to make this photo seem even more authentic for those cool fall nights. He loved me for that one.


We did however enjoy our meals this week. Whether around the fire or sitting together around our kitchen table, a meal service takes the away the stress of not knowing what to cook. I helps my mom brain when I don’t remember all the ingredients, and it keeps the cleanup easy and the process quick. For someone who doesn’t enjoy cooking, this sure makes it easy, tolerable, and dare I say it more fun. It also makes me look like a profession chef, which is a win win in my book.

Green Chef is offering you all $75 dollars off with THIS unique code. Tell them I sent ya!

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