How to Simplify a Master Bedroom


French Doors in Master Bedroom


I’ve always wanted to create a simple master bedroom. I know I recently did this but here I am yet again! Like I told my followers on Instagram. Style evolves until you find what you truly love and even then it still ebbs and flows. I thought when I built a farmhouse that I should have an entire farmhouse look and that just wan’t the case. I love antique and vintage pieces but I also love new modern lines. I am slowly realizing that and trying to meld the two styles. It is why I simplified my master bedroom. 

It was a DIY gone bad when I worked with a wallpaper company and they sent me the wrong cutouts of wallpaper…twice. Because I was also collaborating with another brand in the room, I had to finish the space even without liking it. It taught me a few lessons. Don’t work with brands unless you truly love the product and really think about your decisions. Hasty ones may give you a “project” but when it’s not what you love, it is not worth it.


Master Beddroom Simple

Because of the wallpaper gone bad, we added vertical shiplap to the back wall. You can read all about that refresh HERE. I realized I was close to what I wanted but still lacked a few key elements. Hence the changes now. We also recently helped a friend in need and gave her our bench, night stands, and prints about the bed to complete her space. Because of that, I wanted to get a few new things and simply. 


I’m finding in order to simplify you must declutter and focus on key pieces. My nightstands were my favorite find. A little warmth and a little texture too. Don’t be afraid to mix black, gold, and brown. It’s some of the most beautiful colors together. 


Simply Nightstands with Texture


Also to simplify stick to neutral walls and add color in places like rugs, pillow, throws, and art. I found the prettiest art at BFF Print Shop. These prints are immediately downloadable and affordable. Simply send them to your local Walgreens or print shop to print. This print here is “Harvest Road” and can be found here

Harvest Road Print

Try creating “zones” in your spaces. This will allow you to declutter and keep areas clean. We have a sitting zone. A mirror zone. A bed zone and our vintage fireplace zone. We don’t have a dresser in the room because it’s in the closet. I’ve found this helps when getting dressed too to have everything in one space. 


Master Bedroom Simplified

Simplifying helps mental state too. I’ve found it so much more relaxing to enter my room with “less” in it. I’m adding the links below for you all. I hope you take time to spruce up your space. The bedroom is often the last place to get revamped and it should be the most important. Try simplifying the colors and space of your bedroom. Fresh clean lines you’ll love! Links below. 


Hobby Lobby Pillows Linked (Click On Photo) 

Black and Cross pillow


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