We’re Adopting!

It feels so good to have an official announcement to share. While this journey has always been one I knew I would take, it is finally here! We picked up our Home Study APPROVED packet today and are happy to officially announce WE ARE ADOPTING. 

A little back story for you. I have always felt the call to adopt. I think some people just know, and I am happy to say I am one of them. I remember being about 10 years old sitting in church. I still remember the exact chair I was sitting in too. A video was being played about a future mission trip to an impoverished area and the children, those children’s eyes pierced right through to my soul. It was that moment that I said, Lord I want to be in orphanages or take these trips, or adopt one day. Let me help the children. 

That thought and desire for my heart has never left. Luckily, since Richard and I have been together since I was 15, he has always known this was my desire and he happily understood it would be a part of our journey. I can honestly say that after my first pregnancy,  I never thought I wanted other child. Anxiety, depression, and an almost failed marriage, halted my heart and the hopes to grow our family. Five years and a whole lot of growth later, we welcomed our second boy. I knew in my heart if I had another boy, the Lord would push me toward adoption again. The desire never left my spirit. When the ultrasound tech moved the wand to reveal the second boy, I remember smiling to myself thinking, ok Lord, a girl it is that we will adopt one day. 

I’m happy to say that day has come. I know it may be months or years even before she is in our home, but we are here. This journey from being 10 to being now almost 35 has been an ever changing one, but the one commonality has always been the deep desire to adopt. Our girl is waiting, and we can’t wait to meet her and love her and welcome her to our family. 

Over the next few months, we would love it if you would pray for us. Pray for our birth mom. Pray for her heart to know this is exactly where the Lord is leading. Pray that her health is protected along with the baby and that all of our hearts will mesh together to adorn this new life she is bringing into the world. 

We’d also like to say that if you know a mother who is expecting a girl and who is considering adoption we are open to hearing from you. We are always open to wherever the Lord leads us. I truly feel He gave me this platform to reach an audience I may have never reached, and if that includes the future mother of my daughter, then we are ready and willing. Please feel free to message me on social media or use the contact form to reach us. We are open to any race and are excited for the journey to meet our girl. 

Thank you for celebrating our milestone with us and for partnering with us in prayer during this waiting period. 

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